Make sure your website UX evolves

Why do you need to evolve your digital experiences?

Daniel Birch
3 min readSep 19, 2021
evolve your digital experience

It used to be that a website was a brochure or a glorified business card, or even just a way to show you are a legitimate, established company.

Companies would build a website, leave it static, and then redesign every four years, often costing a fortune. It does not need to be that way.

Today’s modern tools and emerging tech make it easier than ever for a business owner or manager to edit and test their website. Tools like Webflow, Square Space, Wix, Lead pages, Hotjar, Google Optimize, and others empower you to do that.

But, please don’t underestimate the skill and expertise required to design and build a website. You should engage a professional to set you up but then have a digital strategy to empower you to test, learn, and evolve your digital experience.

Agile and iterative design sprints used to be a strategy reserved for large corporates and big product teams. Still, with easy non-code editing tools, A/B testing, and user feedback tools, this can now be a reality for any size business.



Daniel Birch

Entrepreneur, UX agency CEO & 14 years + in design Industry. Specialist in UX, CX, UI and digital design.